i-Open provides geospatial data & systems integration solutions to organizations seeking to increase efficiency and automate business processes
i-Open provides geospatial data & systems integration solutions to organizations seeking to increase efficiency and automate business processes
Pioneering powerful infrastructure, field data capture, and asset tracking software since 2002

Pioneering powerful infrastructure, field data capture, and asset tracking software since 2002

Digitally create and manage work and equipment orders in the field or in the office. Replace paper-based capture of labour, time, and equipment information with worXlogTM .
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From data to decision making to operational integrity, planworX is an advanced and powerful data maintenance, asset tracking, and project tracking solution.
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Visualize all of your relevant operational and field data through a single, enriched dashboard and leverage all of that data through spatially-enabled applications.
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Available independently or as part of the complete planworXTM Suite

Complete and robust infrastructure asset & project tracking tools
To excel in the organizations of today, you need a trusted and reliable framework to quickly discover and generate data-driven insights pertaining to your business operations. Unlock the full potential of your organizational data to generate deeper business insights, and display and report them to your executive & management teams.

Complete and robust infrastructure asset & project tracking tools
To excel in the organizations of today, you need a trusted and reliable framework to quickly discover and generate data-driven insights pertaining to your business operations. Unlock the full potential of your organizational data to generate deeper business insights, and display and report them to your executive & management teams.
From data, to decision making, to operational integrity
A modular logistics and planning platform. Access. aggregate, analyze, and present all data, work, and assets in a single unified dashboard.
For municipalitiesFor oil & gas
Get acquainted with the modular planworX Suite
A modular logistics and planning platform. Aggregate, analyze, and present all data, work, and assets in a single unified dashboard.
For cities & governmentsFor oil & gas